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Member Since 10 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2012 03:51 PM

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In Topic: 1997 Mario Kart Jackpot Mod

11 August 2012 - 06:06 AM

BTW, my first post (I should have made this clear earlier), refers to machines based on maygay's M1 a/b hardware (Thought the OP had an M1 a/b based machine), so sorry for any confusion, as I do understand on Epochs, a key can be used, and there is no need to change the ROM's.

ahh, well I've never heard anyone say about different versions before, other than v2 to get rid of the annoying buzz!

So how do you go about getting these rooms then? Can you download them and reprogram the chips, the chips look like the same type we use at work and we can program them in this chip thing (I don't do this for a living mind, hence not knowing! But will ask next week)

And maybe download the code from some (dogy) website!

Must move the battery, 30 quid is quite a lot to fix it, and I suppose they will only cost more as there is less of them. Thanks.

In Topic: What Value For Maygay Mario Kart Fruit Machine

06 August 2012 - 11:02 AM

what do you mean by strimmed? sounds interesting....

In Topic: 1997 Mario Kart Jackpot Mod

06 August 2012 - 11:01 AM

Oh, my Billy the Quid is Epoch too, well, that's what the main board has printed on it. epoch the one with the leaky battery? my battery is a little furry so needs 'moving' to somewhere safe.

In Topic: What Value For Maygay Mario Kart Fruit Machine

05 August 2012 - 02:27 PM

Hi, do you still have the Mario Fruity? looks like the listing was pulled. If so, I'll consider buying it, pm me if you like. thanks

In Topic: 1997 Mario Kart Jackpot Mod

05 August 2012 - 02:20 PM

First, WOW, I didn't know there was a Mario Kart Fruity, I MUST OWN ONE!!!!!

Secondly, I am a totaly newbie at this, so stanmarch14 is probably right, but I have a Maygay Billy the Quid, and I could change the settings for the jackpot and the stake using a 'prize' key, which is just a load of switches on a plug, not a key at all!

my one looks just like this one: http://www.ebay.co.u...3#ht_3039wt_944

so might be worth a try for a fiver.

let us know how you fix it.