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Member Since 09 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2008 07:28 PM

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In Topic: Issue with BFmulator

15 February 2007 - 09:14 AM

Sadly no.....unchecked the use bitmapbuffer option and its still the same??

Its not as such running slowly. When its not between pauses as such, its quick and responsive. The reels scroll smootly, and sound seems ok....

But just for some reason, it decides to pause briefly, then all ok afterwards til about maybe 10-15 secs later, it pauses again. Half a sec or a sec later, unpauses, then back to normal.....rather odd really??

In Topic: Problem with computer

14 February 2007 - 10:21 AM

Must admit neither have I??

I have had some issues recently with new Dell machines not picking up any other KB/Mouse other than the one shipped with the box. That was more of a firmware issue though....

One thing to try running on your machine no matter what would be

SUPERAntiSpyware.com - AntiAdware, AntiSpyware, AntiMalware!

we rolled out a dedicated spyware server at the company I work for etc etc....and have actually found that the above product works a million times better. Even down to rootkit level....

The title is a little off putting I must admit though, hehe usually products called super this and that tend to contain more spyware and do more harm than good.
That one is very good though.....

In Topic: Probs no the first to ask this

12 February 2007 - 03:14 PM

haha yes.......I thought it was something along those lines, but the start of it wasnt 100% clear.

Shame about the legal issues I will say. Some of the new fruitys are pretty good :bigeyes16:

But I have to say, there are a fair few awesome ones on here in the older catagory.......

Has anyone actually won the jackpot from Pharoahs Gold by the way??
Have been on that BF jobby for quite a chunk of the weekend .....and not even had it up to £20 on a single win.......

Seems to be very slow to payout. Quite a lot of the other smaller jackpot machines give the jackpot sometimes even after a couple of quid so to speak.....