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Member Since 28 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2012 09:12 AM

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In Topic: Twilight Zone by ACE

28 July 2012 - 05:47 PM

Unfortunately the old ace machines went out of circulation because there was only a handful of us cleaning them out up and down the country. I will explain..... All £4.80 or £2.40 20 pence play ace machines that had the 1-16 line bar on the side. Firstly put about £20 in and try your hardest not take ANY win so that the machine is "buzzing"(on a high percentage payout) then all you have to of done is take line win ONLY but not boxed bars as the machine will force itself to repeat a couple of times and go really dead. Take constant double yellow bars(£2.20) and exchange for nudge timer and keep trying for the lines ONLY. When about £40 is left in the tubes cash kill it with bar repeater to get the tubes down more but leave about a tenner in the machine as it will go dead for about £80. Leave for a week then return. But smartness was the key as you didn't want the owners or engineers to know as they would of changed the program. Will return soon with a sequel.