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Member Since 23 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2007 04:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Has Anyone Got Crazy Casino?

06 March 2007 - 04:53 PM

thanks mate. I brought one for £150 as i was looking at one anyway on ebay. Getting it delivered tomorrow for £50 so £200 isn't too bad..thanks for the info anyway mate.

In Topic: Has Anyone Got Crazy Casino?

01 March 2007 - 08:22 AM

what do you mean they don't exist?

In Topic: Showtime Spectacular Help

28 February 2007 - 10:28 AM

Drop the reels, Never done that. Ok i'll give it ago. Manual says different though no wonder couldn't find it out. Do you think that's why i have no sound after pulling the audio plug?

In Topic: Showtime Spectacular Help

28 February 2007 - 10:25 AM

i think i can get morew than my money back on e-bay whrn i get fed up. I've seen others that i like and am already thinking of selling.

In Topic: Showtime Spectacular Help

26 February 2007 - 08:16 AM

Hi There all,I originally pulled the Audio plug from the machine as i didn't want the sound on.. I decided a few days later that i would like the sound but now i put the audio clip back on nothinig happens,The machine plays as normal, No wires have been cut or pulled out. I asked a freind whos's machine it was and he said he used to just put the audio on and off using the same method....I have read the manual and it says that to set the volume (as i thought it might have out it to mute) that it needs to be in REFILL MODE. I need to put the refill key into the machine and turn once so it shows my last bank and then press start and i should be able to ammend the volume.. I cannot find on that machine where the refill key would go, I only have the front where the money is and i can open the back up.. There is nowhere else at the side or front that a refill key would go..Please HELP!!!!