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Member Since 20 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2009 03:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Setting Specific Floats?

04 September 2009 - 04:57 PM

Hi everyone, does anyone know if it is possible to set a float of your own choice on a machine? It seems that it's £125 only on my two (both Red Gamings), and I was wondering whether there is a way perhaps to set them to have a £50 float, or something else (lower than £125) ie by using the Refill Key, or is it somethig that can only be changed via EEPROM programming?

Cheers to everyone.

RE: Friend's Barcrest "Hot Rod"

12 June 2009 - 04:44 PM

Hi everyone, I'm trying to help a friend out who has just got a machine called "Hot Rod" by Barcrest, it's a really old machine. He is trying to find the test button inisde the machine, does anyone know where it is located, does it even have a test button or is there a different way of accessing the menu to get the coins out etc?

Many thanks for this everyone, it's really appreciated.

Belkin 54g Wireless USB Adapter Problem

11 April 2009 - 09:45 PM

Hi all, I got one of these today and began to install the CD on the laptop. Everything was working ok but a few things went wrong at the end of the installation. A dialog box came up displaying "notebook card not plugged in, please insert your notebook card, click ok to continue". I clicked ok and then I get a dialog box saying "installation wizward is complete you must restart your computer" so I went and restarted the computer. The problem is the laptop stays on the screen "shutting down" forever and does not proceed any further so it is not able to restart itself and install the drivers correctly, plus does anybody know what the notebook card thing is about?

I really appreciate everyones help here, thanks so much.


Samsung Tocco Problem!

19 January 2009 - 10:35 PM

Hi everyone, I am wondering whether anyone can help me regarding the problem I am having with this phone at the moment. It has all been working perfectly up until yesterday, for some strange reason, when I press the camera button the phone switches itself off! Sometimes the button to end call does not work either. And then at random my phone keeps taking photos lol. Does anyone know what could be wrong with it and what I could try etc?

Thanks very much everyone, I really appreciate all of your help.


On A Roll - My New Machine:)

12 December 2008 - 09:18 PM

Hi everyone, I got this machine today and would just like to ask for a bit of advice. I have noticed that on the coin mech, this little red mechansim (the gear or someting like that) pushes in when a coin is put through and sometimes it pushes straight back to its original position, and sometimes it goes back a few seconds later instead, is this normal? Should I apply oil to it or something so it goes back correctly all the time? I just don't want those poxy alarms going off in my face every second if this could cause a problem.
