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Member Since 21 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2013 02:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Club Cops And Robbers (And Similar Bfm Machines)

15 December 2012 - 02:59 PM

....why on this machine and another similar clubbys,... when it the cash amount gets to £50 or £60 or £75 plus,... it says you have won the jackpot, even though the jackpot is £200 or higher???

New £70Jp Machines With Note Payout Facility

25 September 2012 - 02:14 PM

......any thoughts about this (kind of) new thing......... good or bad,..... as for me personally,.... i dont like the idea,... id rather have 140 pound coins out rather than notes,....... and it kind of does away with the idea that "when u put a pound coin in the machine,... if u hear it drop to the bottom the machine has been raped"............


£1 Stake Emu

14 June 2012 - 02:06 PM

...will there ever be an emulated machine with a £1 stake on it???

Three Reels Or Four Reels

11 June 2012 - 01:53 PM

.....was playing HOT HOT HOT last week,.... and i was wondering if anyone on here preferred 4 reels on £70jp machines rather than 3 reels???

...also any opinions on club machines with 3 reels?

...as for my opinion,.... £70jp doesnt look right with 4 reels.

Fruit Machines Over Heating.......

26 April 2012 - 02:27 PM

i walked past my local this morning,..and the 3 fruit machines hadnt been turned off from the night before,..so i wondered,..do fruit machines overheat or can they be left on for yonks and yonks?,..... i know that at the ferry terminal in dover,...the fruit machines are constantly on.

just wondered. :)