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Member Since 17 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 25 2012 09:07 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Best anti-virus prog

18 September 2012 - 05:10 PM

In my old windows days, I always used to use ClamWin - which was an open source anti-virus programme. We even used it on the servers at work and it seemed to cope fine.

Other than that my experience with Norton was that it ran painfully slow.

In Topic: Hello - Help Needed - 4Opt Fault Reel

18 September 2012 - 05:07 PM

Faulty opto sensor on reel 4. Black tab will pass between a black sensor, ensure neither dirty or loose.

Reel 4 should be the number reel...

OK I have had a look inside and am not sure what I am looking for. On the interior of the reels, on the left hand side there is a black tab - is this what you are referring to? It sticks out a bit to the left of each reel.

I cannot see where the sensor would be - can you let me know what it looks like or where to look for it (or both!). Is it part of the reel?

On a related note, is it possible to remove the whole reel assembly unit? It looks like it is just clamped in place, and pushing it back should release it, but it is not moving.

Many thanks again,


In Topic: Hello - Help Needed - 4Opt Fault Reel

18 September 2012 - 03:33 PM

Thanks for the response. I will have a go with it this evening and report back.

I figured it was a reel 4 problem, but had no idea what the problem was.

I will look for the black sensor as specified above.
