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Member Since 30 Mar 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2012 12:50 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Favour Needed: VHS To DVD

09 February 2010 - 01:27 PM

Not sure if anyone is interested but I have a Panasonic VHS and DVD recorder which currently wont turn on. I expect it is a power supply problem which someone on here might be able to fix.

To cut a long story short Im considering getting shot, so anyone wanna make an offer for it?

I will of course send exact spec details if anyone interested but its about 2 years old and was top of the range at the time, circa £300.

Obviously a donation to fruit emu will be provided if any takers

In Topic: The Italian Job 1280DX

23 July 2007 - 10:08 PM

Hi folks, as a nipper i was always too scared to "refuse" the red board on this, for a bigger streak further down the track. Now i have this excellent DX I have been collecting a £1 each time i get a red board, and I was under the impression that if you refuse a few red boards u get a normal board that then goes for £30 - £40 crazy bananas streakio. As you can probably tell this hasnt happened, anybody got any "new" methods to play this?

and yes i have read the intro, no cheats ect but believe me im not stooooopid enough to try and track one of these down in the wild.

thanks for any advice, and thanks again for a wonderful dx, i cant tell you how much I used to love this when I was younger, not a care in the world but for this bandit, well, this and treasure island :D

In Topic: Invincible modes

15 May 2007 - 09:01 AM

The very latest Club Cluedo by Mazooma has got a very missable I M if your not sure. When the feature starts up the magnifying glass flashes, but as this is quite small and is near the top I have seen many miss it, especially as this thing flashes a lot for normal wins etc...

The other quite amusing thing sometimes is that when it is a normal board, the magnifying glass starts flashing when you are on a trail run on the superboard, which almost happens straight away when to get to the superboard, very amusing watching people think they have got an IM from the flashing magnifier then it bumps em off. especially when the barmaids pop over to tell them its an I M, but they havnt seen it properly. lol :lol:

If you are unsure as to which Cluedo I mean, Bencrest very helpfully mocked up a JPG with the two different versions, its the one on the left that I know for certain does the I M, but not sure about the one on the right


Although its not a "FREE" win, It "usually" drops another J P quite soon after, eg the next day, but beware this machine can pay 3 in a week (I know coz I did it), but currently hasnt been dropped for two weeks, despite me putting £200 a couple of days ago.

In Topic: Section 16 machines -- soon no more

09 May 2007 - 08:27 PM

lol impact, copied and pasted the info of course, hence i did reference it, as for fooking tax, i get shafted for well over a grand a month, then theres 300 NI (what the f*** that is for i dont know), student loan of 200 notes, and when i needed an op i had to pay 4K for it. :bigeyes07:

In Topic: Section 16 machines -- soon no more

09 May 2007 - 07:37 PM

Yeah, coasterdesigner is correct, but from my understanding they just have had to get new licenses and the gambling commission have had to re classify the machines, mainly to keep the people who donate to the government happy (eg the super casino tycoons), but also to be seen to be doing something socially responsibile eg preventing youths sacking Dads saveloy money into a chipped king kebab at the chippy. The link to the following data is at the foot of the reply, but heres the very latest data on the new machine categories: Ps i presume that there are no cat a machines at present, but these will be the ones that will go to the regional (super) casino when ready. I also think there is a new opportunity that will allow a non monetary prize to be given aswell, so you will see vegas style bandits, where three car symbols will drop a new honda jazz into the metal tray

Category of Machine
Maximum Stake
Maximum Prize
10p or
30p when non-monetary prize
£8.00 non-monetary prize
no age limit

Category A Machines

Category A machines will only be available at a Regional Casino and will be the only gaming machines with unlimited stakes and prizes. A Regional Casino can make up to 1250 machines available irrespective of the number of gaming tables made available for use.

Category B Machines

Category B machines are divided into four sub-categories (B1, B2, B3, and B4) according to stake and prizes.
Category B1 machines may only be made available in casinos and have a maximum stake of £2.00 and a maximum prize of £4,000.
Category B2 includes gaming machines known as fixed odds betting terminals where the stake and prizes from an individual game can be rolled over into the next game up to a maximum stake of £100 per game (or £15.00 per chip) and a maximum prize of £500.00. These machines will only be available in casinos and licensed betting offices. The licensed betting offices are restricted to making four machines available for use.
Category B3 machines may only be made available in casinos, bingo premises, betting premises and tracks with pool betting, and adult gaming centres. Bingo premises and adult gaming centres are limited to making four machines available for use. Maximum stake is £1.00 with a maximum prize of £500.00.
Category B4 machines will be permitted to be available in casinos, bingo premises, adult gaming centres, members’ clubs, commercial clubs and miners welfare institutes. The maximum stake is £1.00 with a maximum prize of £250.

Category C

Category C machines may be made available in all premises other than a Family Entertainment Centre (with a Licensing Authority permit) or travelling fair. The maximum stake is 50p with a maximum prize of £25.

Category D Machines

Category D machines may be made available in all of the locations where gaming machines of Category A, B or C are available. In addition, they may be made available in unlicensed family entertainment centres and travelling fairs. The maximum stake is 10p (30p if stake is in money's worth (tokens etc.)) and the maximum prize is £5.00.
There is concern that these machines are attractive to young persons and as such they may not be made available in such places as taxi offices, chip shops, late night refreshment outlets where the primary business operation is not gambling. Existing permits for these types of premises will be allowed to run their course but not renewed after the 1 st August 2006.
No person under the age of 18 years shall have access to any gaming machine other than those in Category D.
Specific Offences include:
  • Permitting persons under 18 to gamble.
  • Permitting persons under 18 to enter parts of a family entertainment centre where Category C machines are available for use.
  • Permitting persons under 18 to enter areas where Category C machines are situated.
Licensing - Gambling - Classes of Gaming Machines