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Member Since 31 Mar 2007
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In Topic: QPS Club Gladiator?? It does exist, but where? HELLLP

08 August 2009 - 07:15 PM


club DOND

that has a mega streak doesnt it?

how much can that streak for

Thankyou for that info, im just checkin the list now...

Right down to the buisness...

the club deal or no deal doenst have an actual mega streak as such, on the feature panel on the right, the top feature is shown as streak... this when lit white will offer a measley £20 to £30... however if the streak feature is lit red then the streak will usually exceed £50 and I have obv forced mine on "open door" mode and have seen Red Streak Feature to go past £100.... but when playin the clubber in arcades and so forth, it seems to be quite tight with offering streak as a feature to collect... its usually open the box or greed or prize picker...

hope this helps
