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Member Since 12 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2012 01:47 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Centurion Club Fruit Machine

15 October 2012 - 06:28 PM

just to let you all know ive now changed mine from 5p to 30p i rang empire and found out about the othere switches on the main board

In Topic: Centurion Club Fruit Machine

14 October 2012 - 06:39 PM

ive got all the inlays from £8 jackpot to £250 i got a Stakes & Prizes Keys For Fruit Machine 30p/£250 jackpot but once put in it just set,s off an alarm an comes up ALARM JACKPOT remove Stakes & Prizes Keys and goes back to 5p play £75 jackpot ?

In Topic: Centurion Club Fruit Machine - Overlays wanted for CASH

12 October 2012 - 04:30 PM

hi im new here ive just got this machine with loads of overlays what sort of money do these sell for ?

all so mine is set to 5p play £250 jackpot how do i change 30p play ?

any help plz