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Member Since 23 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2017 01:31 AM

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In Topic: raspberry pi fruit machine

13 March 2015 - 08:15 PM

Can confirm the the BFMulator is working too through wine, although I've only tested 3 layouts. Around The Town didn't run, but Cash Explosion and Dell's Millions were as smooth as butter.

In Topic: "New Members" usergroup

12 March 2015 - 06:32 PM

Meaning that they should receive a PM outlining the basic rules of downloading from the site.


P.s. how many posts before I can make an edit to my own posts? :D

In Topic: "New Members" usergroup

12 March 2015 - 06:29 PM

It's definitely a good idea.


However, not everyone is up for talking on a forum, and it also can be intimidating for people to join in on a forum where the existing members seem to know each other quite well. Also, a lot of the threads on here go over my head a bit as I'm not quite up to date with the intricacies of emulation, roms and layout design, and I simply don't have the time or motivation to be so - despite my highly curious nature and love of fruit machines - so I'm only guessing that the average visitor would just like to download a few roms and emulators and get playing.


I think a better idea would be to allow the first 5-10 downloads for 'free' (at least then they could get the all in one mfme and some roms) but should they wish to download  more, then they would be required to make a certain amount of sensible posts on the forum etc., and maybe even a welcome PM stating the basic rules of downloading.

In Topic: raspberry pi fruit machine

12 March 2015 - 06:11 PM

Can't you just install wine and run the emulators with that? I'm running Linux Mint 17.1 with the latest wine, and mfme and jpemu run fine.

In Topic: Your Lucky Games

06 March 2015 - 08:46 PM

not as old as me then mr rix I go back to the early nineties £4/4.80p jackies


Back in the days when a £4 jacky was practically a weeks pocket money :D