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Member Since 17 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2008 11:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: FREE games from www.reelsoffun.co.uk

17 April 2008 - 06:16 PM

Received my key today, thanks very much! :) Will look forward to playing it later, thanks again. :D :D

In Topic: Introduce yourself

24 April 2007 - 11:17 AM

Hi all, thought I would pop in and say hi, and congrats on such a great site :D just can't believe I never found it sooner!!

I have to confess that I know nothing about the technical jargon, (but don't imagine I'm the only one!) but I do know my puggys and there are some belters here! :)

I started playing a long (too long bf would say!) time ago and still do. My friends and I school holidays were spent in the arcades in Edinburghs seaside, near fisticuffs over who was getting to play Starspin, Starburst and HI/LO silver!!! (any 1 remember them?) Also Testpilot, which, when I told my friend was on here she came down after her work for a "shot"!!

I still frequent these places but find myself playing 10p/£5 jps rather than partytimes (grrrr) and those flamin RR/Elvis/PT slottos, (playing them for fun would be much more fun!!!) or go to the bingo, but preparing to run for fear of getting linched by grannies for streaking Golden Game or Monopoly ;)

Well I think I have bored everyone enough with my ranting, but thankyou to all the people who have taken so much time out of their own time to make people like me think "ahhh, them were the days!!" and how a day-long gambling sessh could be done for a fiver - or less!!! x