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Member Since 21 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 23 2008 06:44 PM

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In Topic: Grand National download

13 June 2008 - 09:27 PM

My first post, but hey, it needs to be said:

Roy, show some respect.

The many people who have spent their spare time making and perfecting these emulators need to be respected. I would bet they all have other commitments outside of this site, families, jobs and work. To come out with a statement like that is just begging for reaction of some kind.....who knows why....maybe that's how you get your kicks.

To those that have replied and defended the makers, well done....that's what a community is all about. Although the 11 pint replies had a bit of language in them, can see they came from people who care.

To all those that spend their time making these emulators a big thanks. Me, the Mrs and the kids have had hours of entertainment from them, and all for no price at all.

So a big thanks to all you makers out there, only wish I had the talent.