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Member Since 24 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2023 03:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Coronation Street M1a Feature Reel Band

26 February 2021 - 02:28 PM

Looking for one of these please if anyone can please help?


I have requested elsewhere too but thought i'd try everywhere just in case.



Wanted M1A Coronation Street Glasses or full machine

11 March 2020 - 04:24 PM

Hi Everyone 


A bit of a long shot but does anyone please have any old Maygay Coronation Street M1A Glasses like in the picture below that they would be willing to sell me?

The glasses i want are from the original 20p £6/£8/£10 JP machine and not the re glass 5p/10p £4/£5 JP machine. I have the re glass machine already but want to convert it back to the original.

I know there is a glass on ebay but that's the same as the one i have already where the trail cash amounts and fruit wins are lower etc.

Alternatively is anyone interested in doing a trade where I part ex my re glass machine for one the same as the picture? or even a straight purchase of the one i want? I am not worried about it working or whether it comes with the M1a board and Power Supply or not.


I have already posted this on the mecca but thought i'd try here too.


Many Thanks in advance


Attached File  corrie.png   3.88MB   0 downloads

Deal Or No Deal Low Tech Casino Awp

09 November 2011 - 01:36 PM

Hi, can anyone help me? Im looking for a decal for my deal or no deal low tech machine, its for the big telephone that sits on top of the machine and is the one which has the telephones dial numbers on it. Bell Fruit are out of stock now, they have the question mark decal but not the dials. Basically i had to open up the phone as it wasnt vibrating and the plastic moulding was broken inside which i can also get from Bell Fruit. The only way of opening the phone was to remove the stickers, nightmare. So im now desperate for one.

I'm hoping an engineer may have one in his bag somewhere???

