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Member Since 29 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2023 01:44 PM

Topics I've Started

Dart Fruit Machines

22 October 2011 - 10:44 AM

has anybody got or seen any fruity games of 'on the oche', 'phil the power taylor','bully for you', 'yabba dabba darts'?
that sort of game.
i think most of them are barrcrest machines, had alook around and only seem to find people selling the actual machines.

bfm emulator 2.02 screensize help

12 May 2007 - 11:19 PM

im new to this, every time i start the emulations cant get the buttons on the bottom of the screen into view for eg start,holds,collect. is there any way to change the viewing window size? using a laptop if that makes any difference at 1024 by 768, tried it 800 by 600 its even worse.
please help me......
may the force be with you