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Member Since 30 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2010 04:09 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fruit Bonus 96

10 February 2009 - 01:18 AM

8 liner games for pc cherry master for pc cherry master for windows

has a lot of usa fruits cherry master and fruit bonus ...enjoy

In Topic: **wacky weekend 1024 and 1280 dx**

20 October 2008 - 05:05 PM

where is the 1024 version please?

In Topic: torrent programs

20 April 2008 - 05:21 PM

Bitlord is pretty good and fast ...even has own cool search and its free ...hope helps

In Topic: download trouble

11 March 2008 - 11:12 PM

LOL sorrystu our posts were sent roughly same time so didnt see Yours till mine was up

In Topic: download trouble

11 March 2008 - 11:10 PM

I hadnt downloaded for two days so def not over limit ...but just tried other dx dloads and all give same message so maybe Fruit-Emu is having problems?