Thanks, definately something for me to go on. Nice one.
- Fruit-Emu
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In Topic: Button Box
29 June 2019 - 07:03 AM
In Topic: Playability versus Authenticity
18 February 2015 - 02:52 AM
as per my post, im talking about JPM Emu -- there seems to be tons of machines which are all over the place -- please guide me to the ones which are properly playable via a mouse and reliable on keyboard input for people who cannot use a keyboard,
true open source --- its something which is put out for everyone to contribute, enhance in their own way, upload and allow others to repeat the process. commonly known as progression.
In Topic: Modifying Existing Machines
17 February 2015 - 10:13 PM
Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. for me its about playability versus authenticity. The visual I uploaded is just that - a visual. Without sounding too up my own ass --- if you played the original for say 5 minutes, then played my modified version --- there's no way you'd go back to the original.
I'm hugely thankful for this site and the original creator --- its a building block to be worked upon.
I'd like to think that someone, at some-point, would want to build upon my revision. I'd be more than happy to include the *.PSD inside the ZIP file. It's all about progress.
Heck, if some guru didnt command the engineer to code the original ROM which went onto a PCB which years later got ripped via an EPROM reader and emulated --- you wouldn't be reading this.
Let's Progress!
In Topic: Customised / Fantasy Machine Creation
11 February 2015 - 12:06 AM
i think it would be an exciting project - to create a machine which has features, sounds and visuals which haven't been done and hold some kind of personal meaning. it would be for personal usage, for my own kicks and smiles. can anyone help or point me in the right direction for using different sounds? BFM Emulator.
In Topic: What's your favourite emulated fruities?
10 February 2015 - 07:39 AM
each way nudge barcrest dx --- like the way it plays and the sounds make the machine, really enjoyable.
- Fruit-Emu
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