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Member Since 24 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2007 08:07 AM

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In Topic: Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

03 July 2007 - 07:36 PM

I bought This PSU. But i still had the trouble with all the lights flashing. :(

All the Amp fuses were the same rating. The only differences were:

1. It was about 10mm wider (so i just swapped the foot plates over).

2. The kettle lead connecter was positioned about 10mm over to the left. (so i unscrewed the psu holder and moved that over too).

this blinking bandit (no pun intended), is doing my frigging head in. :(

Sorry, Forgot to mention that the fuses on mine were all in a line. whereas the one that i bought, the fuses were in an "L" shape.


In Topic: Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

03 July 2007 - 07:33 PM

I bought This PSU. But i still had the trouble with all the lights flashing. :(

All the Amp fuses were the same rating. The only differences were:

1. It was about 10mm wider (so i just swapped the foot plates over).

2. The kettle lead connecter was positioned about 10mm over to the left. (so i unscrewed the psu holder and moved that over too).

this blinking bandit (no pun intended), is doing my frigging head in. :(


In Topic: Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

03 July 2007 - 06:07 PM

This is the exact same PSU that i have in my machine. Could someone tell me what "Mod" of a MPU4, I have please?

And This is the actual MPU Motherboard that i have in there.

Many Thanks.


In Topic: Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

03 July 2007 - 02:13 PM

Many thanks for your reply. I am now trying to Source one.

No luck so far.

Anybody have on here, have one for sale? Please?


In Topic: Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

03 July 2007 - 07:39 AM

This One
