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Member Since 24 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2007 08:07 AM

Topics I've Started

MPU 4 Battery

12 July 2007 - 07:55 AM

Good Morning all.

Does anyone know the details of the correct battery (and where i can get one please) for a Barcrest MPU 4 MOD 4 Motherboard?

The one that came out is a VARTA 2.4V 110mAh (V110R), But i am having trouble finding them on the net (even tried Maplin).

Your help, as always, is appreciated.


Trying to Source a Power Supply Unit for a Lucky Strike Club...

11 June 2007 - 11:13 PM

Hi Guys,

I have been trying to source a PSU for my Lucky Strike Club, Machine.

On the exisiting PSU it says the following:

Mains Fuse 3 - 15A Anti Surge,

-12V 1A 22Vac 10A 12V 10A(T) +34V 10A(T)

Input: 240V, 50Hz

BARCREST Pt; 12465

I have tried all ways to get a hold of one - with No luck. :(

Would someone be kind enough to tell me i could get a hold of one please? Or ost a link to the actual site please?

I would be very grateful.



Barcrest Lucky Strike - Display Screen Problems....

25 May 2007 - 01:45 PM

Good Afternoon Chaps,

I'd appreciate your help here.

I'm new to Fruit Machines. I have bought a " Barcrest Lucky Strike Club" It is in my Brother In Law's garage at the moment.

I went up there last night to sort a problem with it Not paying out in £1 coins, I switched it on - And the disply screen went haywire - with all numbers, letters and such like, displaying fast, accross it. It did eventually go back to normal (only flickering in between) so i put it down that it might have been a bit cold?

Went up there today, and it just won't stop flickering. Could anyone tell me what this is please? And how i go about correcting it too please?

Has the actual display "Gone" and needs replacing? If so, how much are they and can i just replace them like for like? Or do i need an engineer to come and "programme" it, Please?

While we are on the subject of this Bandit. I moved the "sensor" further up the tube (as suggested by a member on my other thread) and it worked. There are 3 £1 coin Tubes and a 1 x 20p coin tube. It seems that there is no money going into the tube that "pays out" on a win (I have to fill it up anually).

Is there anything that i can do to sort that out too please?

As always, all replies are Appreciated.

Many Thanks.

Refill Key....

24 May 2007 - 12:55 PM

Anyone know where my Brother In Law can get one for his Barcrest Battle Axe please? Any idea how much they are too please?

And Can someone have a look at my thread Here please?

Barcrest Lucky Strike Club Help on Payout, if you'd be so kind Please? :)

24 May 2007 - 12:02 PM

Good Afternoon all,

I am newto the boards. A Quick "Hi" :tongue: to you all.

I have recently bought a "Barcrest Lucky Strike Club" Fruit Machine.

It is currently paying out in 20 pences. I would like to alter it to pay out in £1 coins.

I am new to fruit machines. (it is for home use only, by the way)

Would someonebe kind enough as to explain to me how i could change this to payout in this way please? In newbie terms.

Thank You in advance for all replies received.