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Member Since 24 May 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2011 10:37 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Lincsleisure1 cannot access dads fme AGAIN!!

16 July 2008 - 10:19 PM


In Topic: Lincs- Thoughts are with you

07 December 2007 - 12:14 AM

All the best Lincs......

My thoughts are with you.

Stay strong + Remember the good times you had with pride.


In Topic: Postal Strikes

05 August 2007 - 07:01 PM

part of its due to a poor offering of wage increase thats below inflation rates. Might not seem like much to some but with the recent changes in mortgages prices etc it can have a serious detrimental effect on your income and such. Add to that some pretty nasty pension cuts I believe and a lot of talk of modernisation which could result in closures and job losses...

All this from a company that turned over record breaking profits of around £500million on a couple of years ago and paid out to their chief executive a bonus of around £2million that year....

A pay rise in line with inflation should be the minimal expected to be fair.....

My interest means I have to study large public limited companies accounts very often and I've gotta say it stinks how most of them operate.

It's simply PROFIT PROFIT and more PROFIT. Nothing else matters in a world where money rules.

All the time I see companies streamlining their operations by closing UK factories, car plants etc....in order to open the same stuff overseas where they can employ people on a 10th of what they were paying them in the UK.

No matter what job you're in at present, with the Bank of England raising interest rates 3 times this year (and one more to follow either this month or if not this month then definately next month) theres going to be many people who will be struggling to make ends meet. Then you have ever increasing petrol prices, electric and gas bills and it all reads very grimly for those who are already feeling the pinch.

Any wage rise below inflation is merely a paycut and the Postal staff are just one of many who aren't appreciated and rewarded accordingly.

Nurses, fireman, policeman all get sod all IMO for the dedication they put in whilst bl££dy footballers salaries really do take the piss.

The rich just get richer whilst the poor / everyday working class people at best just stand still :(

In Topic: Postal Strikes

05 August 2007 - 06:43 PM


(To Adys post)

In Topic: Postal Strikes

05 August 2007 - 06:28 PM

Forgive my ignorance but why are the posties on strike anyhow ?