Grrr, can't edit the above post again to add attachment. Also, forum doing very strange things for me; it shows the last update on this thread as mine on 24/02 when I click the thread, but when I start to type a reply it says there are 7 replies which, if I click, I can see. If I go back into the thread later on, the last post appears to be mine again, very strange.
- Fruit-Emu
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In Topic: Layout DIY fixes
01 March 2018 - 09:13 AM
In Topic: Layout DIY fixes
01 March 2018 - 08:56 AM
No reply to above but turns out that it didn't appear as hard as it looked. I post the following here in case is useful to others - like me - without the technical knowledge of the oldskoolers. Please take with a pinch of salt, I have tested and fixed by playing them to the best of my ability, no idea how to use the doors or test mode. This can take some time when a machine only spits out a feature every £50 with no feature board then kills you on the first high/Low :-(
Rows in red have partial fixes or have stumped me completely. Rest should be ok unless otherwise noted. Happy to receive any corrections or additions to the below.
Still have another 88 machines with varying errors, but will leave those to the experts and hoover up as and when, know your limits as they say!
edit: forum mangled it, attaching instead.
In Topic: Layout DIY fixes
24 February 2018 - 02:04 PM
I see there’s a few of my layouts in there. Take two should work ok the updated version does. As for the others I’ll check em laters if they’re ok on my set up I’ll upload em to here
That would be great bud, you and Pook are definitely the 2 go-to layout creators imho.
On a side note, Pook has intimated that if someone furnishes him with a classic of BFM's Club Pick of the Pack, he would consider resurrecting his shelved DX WIP. Is there a particular 'How to create a classic layout' in MFME anyone would recommend? This task might well be above my station, but happy to give it a shot, technical expertise is low, but time on my hands is high at the moment, monkeys and typewriters etc...
In Topic: sign-up issue
24 February 2018 - 01:58 PM
hi there, you could always send DAD a pm here (he is also a moderator here) if you are having issues
Doh, of course, for a bright fella sometimes I just need to find a more complicated solution!
In Topic: sign-up issue
24 February 2018 - 01:54 PM
Thanks all, and apologies for the late reply, I keep checking the homepage and topic still says 0 views / o replies which I now realise is spurious! DAD, will pm you here, have not received any activation e-mails, have clicked resend a couple of times, and yes, have checked junk folder ;-)
Cheers chaps, much appreciated.
- Fruit-Emu
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