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Member Since 15 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2008 03:51 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Deal Or No Deal - What's In Your Box Cheats???

18 April 2008 - 03:45 PM

use a laser pen thats what i do

In Topic: Deal or No Deal mega streak

07 September 2007 - 10:36 AM

anyone tried the shine a laser pen into the box to see what you've got trick?

In Topic: Club Cluedo £250 and Monster Cash Club

02 July 2007 - 03:35 PM

and ive just downloaded andy capp, ohh ahh dracula, fright night and banging away all mfme1.1 dx, only andy capp worked, the others all said no sound file found and wouldnt start. i find this happens with about 90% of the roms ive donwloaded so far.

In Topic: Club Cluedo £250 and Monster Cash Club

02 July 2007 - 01:20 PM

ive been playing viva rock vegas for aaaaaages ansd still no jackpot (£1000), im refusing everything, its as if its never going to pay it.

on a side issues, on the club cluedo £250jp theres a small bug, when you get 3 blue sevens it pays as if you got 3 mixed sevens.

In Topic: Another question: What does the Refill Key do?

30 June 2007 - 05:39 PM

lol...Fair do's but be careful. I do know of people who were cheating, allowed to leave and then had the crap kicked out of them by several people up an alley. It does happen :)

it all depends on who owns the arcade, if its some blokes like turkish and tommy out of snatch then yeah, you would be in for a beating.

there's no need to tell me to be carefull either, i don't go around messing with the machines with a refill key and i don't intend to either. im content with watching my mate do it.