hi i just done it they slide in in out prettyu easy enough thanks alot guys. ill save that yellow ticket you put up for futer incase in need again.
i just got a quiz machine aswell witch will be fun to play once it arrives.
25 jp alot better thanks alot i was winning 5 pound one evey time i play this will be a bit more of a challenge.
and im planning on getting a new machine in next few month a 70 jp preferably ok then guys thank you very much
hi guys i think its done. but it looks harder to change decals lol
im having a look now i dont have a clue how im going to change is it hard ??
or is it just unscrewing a few screws ok thanks alot guys
alright guys thanks for your replies i uploaded a picture here for you since i cant get the one to work on this site maybe file too big
im not really to botherd what the play is i just want to change to 25 jackpot really. its pretty boring 5 pound one now.
im just looking at the picture you put up so it it be this order.
is that right? going of that yelow picture of stake/prizes you put up
ok thanks