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Member Since 23 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2013 08:25 PM

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maygay parts for sale M1B mpu

28 March 2013 - 10:06 PM

maygay parts for sale M1B mpu


hi have broken down my maygay and selling the parts on ebay plaese take a look hope these parts help people :)

just search this item number for the mpu 111041344293 and then look at my other items for the rest of the parts ther is


buttons with switchs

bulbs with holders

led display



stake/prize pcb with adjustable key

percentage pcb with adjustable key

coin mech

Need to find out how the meters are wired up on a maygay

05 March 2013 - 09:25 PM

Hi i bought a luxor casino fruity maygay m1b board. The previous owner had the 6.0 met error and just cut the meters off now i need to wire them bk up but not sure how coz theres 4 blue wires and 1 white then i got to connect them to 4 wires from the meters lol will upload some pics and if someone could take some pics n guide me through it i will be very greatful thnx in advance

Currently wired like this not gd
Attached File  image.jpg   128.68KB   8 downloads

And have traced the 4 blue wires to here
Attached File  image.jpg   133.75KB   9 downloads

And traces the white one back to the hopper

MAYGAY hopper not working plz HELP!

28 February 2013 - 08:06 PM

hi ppl this is my first post on any forum so hope its in the right place and im doing it right lol.


after reading a lot of forums cant find my answer


lets start from the top i will give as much info as poss


i bought a luxor casino maygay for £20 it had the dreaded 6.0 met
error so i cleaned the battery area as it had leaked and snipped it out
and wired it up away from the board then still had error then twigged
its probs because the guy before was a donut and cut the meters off i
just connected all the wires togeather the 4 blues and 1 white then hey
presto worked reconised coins put them in the right place played
properly but wont pay out and tested everything in test mode hopper
still dosnt work however when i put my hand in and press the button in
the hopper that registers the coins exiting the hopper, the machine
reconised it. so im a bit stumped to as why its not working is there
anyway to test the motor in the hopper please help has it got something
to do with the meters not wired correctly?

will up load picks of hopper wiring and meter wiring. thnx in advance for any answers


Attached File  photo 1.JPG   112.64KB   31 downloads Attached File  photo 2.JPG   101.37KB   36 downloads Attached File  photo 3.JPG   130.77KB   25 downloads




*** Edit by Daryl ***


…moved into Real Fruit Machines  for better responses to the member’s question.