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Member Since 15 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2018 02:36 PM

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In Topic: Guess the price

22 March 2013 - 04:14 PM

That's so weird!!

 Been up most of night,fiddling with one of these for a friend,as hers has developed a fault.

 Identical model to one in above pic too I reckon,(sorry,REALLY must get myself to damn opticians sometime soon)

 Is this an Acer Aspire 5742 ?? 

 I did take a quick look on eBay,with a view to getting one spares/repairs if anything my be needed for one I was tinkering with.

 Best value,which I happened to see,(I think was about £70.00),which didn't seem that bad to be really.


 Am I close ?? :) 

In Topic: Dough Ho Ho

19 March 2013 - 03:54 PM

SUNP0001.JPGSUNP0002.JPG Not sure if I've done this correctly or not,but IF so,these are pics of damned lock 

In Topic: Dough Ho Ho

19 March 2013 - 07:35 AM

Not sure how to post pic mate,I have uploaded 1,put it in BellFruit but cant see it.

 I've a good idea which it is you mean,just can't figure this one out :( :(

In Topic: Dough Ho Ho

18 March 2013 - 03:27 PM

Right,this is doing my head in,something so flamin' simple,yet I cannot figure this out.

 I reckon best thing to do is just order a new lock eh?Hopefully this SHOULD solve this problem?

 But even if lock is changed I can't see how this little bar/lever that moves when locking mechanism is slid across will make contact with door switch tbh,but I guess fitting a new lock will at least be that bit closer to getting me going again eh??  

In Topic: Dough Ho Ho

17 March 2013 - 08:35 PM

Sorry not been able to get to my PC or lappy for last day or so,been struck down with really bad stomach bug.

 Before I dis-connected wiring to switch,i did number each one on plastic clip ensuring they went back on as should be.


 Yeah,there is a weird locking mechanism just below slide bar,I'm going to try post pic of this,please bear with me on this one,PC technology ain't my strong point LOL.

I have managed to upload a pic of door switch,not sure where it went too,although I did select BellFruit' images,hopefully this will be of some help.

 Just had a look at the sliding bar and lock it pushes down on the door switch,it appears it only will fit on one of two ways,but I'm more or less certain it never reached the door switch when all was well !