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Member Since 15 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2018 02:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Dough Ho Ho

15 March 2013 - 03:34 AM

Hi guys,just joined and already looking for advice please !

Over weekend I purchased a 'Dough Ho Ho' slottie,after correctly floating it/dumping,we then locked it all up OK,no problems there,worked like a dream for approx 4 hours of game play.

Next morning,when we come to get in machine,the top door lock('barrel type'),appears/well not appears,IT IS out of alignment,definitely !!),managed to manoevure key,JUST, to open top door,dumped/floated correctly again,then slid across bar and carefully locked up.

 Then had to pop out,so powered machine off,but when we returned and powered up again alarm going off saying 'Door Unlocked',immediately I checked lock/slide bar,both still firmly in place though??

 So now,we are stuck with machine which is fully floated up,but cannot use it :(


 I thought if I could by-pass the door switch somehow??Not too sure where to start really there?

 I did dis-connect all 4 wires on door switch to see if that fooled it by thinking it was locked up properly,still saying Door Open,also tried taping Door Switch to where it's housed,again though,same problem :(


 I know there must be a way to disable this,anybody able to help me on this one,be VERY much appreciated. :)

 Doesn't have to be securely locked as it's only for home use,but don't want it on free-play.


 Hopefully,some tekkie minded kind soul will take pity on me and tell me what to do/where I'm going wrong :)


 Thanks in advance guys/girls

