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Member Since 20 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2017 12:24 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Scorpion 4 - Motorway Mania Classic

28 April 2013 - 12:33 PM

Excellent effort, Andy, used to play this one in the pub I worked in.  Was great for giving invincible boards (the arrow in "exit" poitning to the flashing MM logo was difficult to miss LOL) in succession.  Brings back memories!

In Topic: Happy 10th Anniversary Fruit-Emu

24 April 2013 - 08:13 PM

Many happy returns of the day, Fruit Emu.  I have only just discovered this place and cannot thank the people concerned enough for their hard work, dedication (and no doubt endless patience) for making it possible for me to play some of the best fruit machines I ever played in my life.


I shall raise a pint to you all at the weekend!

In Topic: My Alzheimer's News

22 April 2013 - 07:20 PM

Can't beat a good waffle.  Belgian, chocolate sauce and ice-cream. Mm-mmm.



In Topic: My Alzheimer's News

20 April 2013 - 09:29 PM

Hi Daryl, I have read this thread over the past few days - haven't had chance to post much lately due to work and I'm only a noob here anyway - but the only person I ever had first hand experience of dementia-wise was my nan and she passed away before it got a full grip.  However, I do want to let you know (sincerely) that despite what I have just sad about being new here and not knowing you, you are in my thoughts and I completely wish you the happiest and fulfilled best wishes despite me being a silly biker b**tard hehe.


Honestly man, raising a glass to you right now.


Take care Daryl.

In Topic: What do you do when your wife goes out?

20 April 2013 - 09:24 PM

Fook, marriage ain't for me but if you want to stay faithful a good DVD and some nice chow would about cover it. 


Despite being resolutely single I have been seeing a bird lately who is pretty cool so I behave myself, few beers with the boys and a chicken fried rice on te way home does it for me.  If I'm feeling frisky, well, the internet is always available, say no more.  But usually I will just chill with a nice single malt and enjoy peace and solitude.  Nothing wrong with that and nothing to feel guilty about the next day...:D