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Member Since 06 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active May 08 2008 06:27 PM

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In Topic: Bazpeep and other Great Engineers required :)

07 August 2007 - 10:16 PM

Hi, thanks for that info I’ll have ago at downloading it tomorrow.
It would appear to me that battery leakage is probably one of the main causes of machine failure which is a shame really.
Anyway, thanks again.

In Topic: Bazpeep and other Great Engineers required :)

06 August 2007 - 09:28 PM

I have some M1A motherboard problems and need some hopefully helpfull advice.
I bought some boards off of ebay for my M1A machines hoping a couple would sort me out and even asking the guy if they were battery damaged over the phone, they have all been leaked on. The good news is that they arent as bad as the ones that came with it.

The bad news is only one of them would boot. And that broke soon after.

The board that has broken was running fine, It didn't click up meters or pay out but I later realised it was on door open mode so theres a possiblity that the meters and payouts are fine.

I was playing the game (East-enders) and I held 2 symbols on the winline and hit start. The third reel span as normal. The next spin neither of the two previously held reels would spin despite no hold being offered. This kept happening so I decided to switch off the machine and reboot. Now none of the first two reels twitch or move during boot up and it comes up with reel 1 error 2.1.

I have had a look at the board and repaired most of the through tracks and that didn't solve it. Looking at the M1A technical manual it says that reels 1 and 2 are driven by 2 ULN2803A chips. Logic says to me that 2 chips breaking at the same time is highly unlikely and that it is probably the 74HC374B1 chip that drives those two. I have checked that voltage is getting to the chips and can see no obvious signs of a broken track etc.

Has this fault ever happened to anyone before and does my diagnosis sound plauseable or am I barking up the wrong tree?

I should mention... I have tried swapping reels around and the problem follows the motherboard as the other reels spin fine when attached to the working reel ports. I have plugged in the cluedo rom cart and the problem still occurs. I did wonder if it was a program fault initially.

I can get good pictures if needs be but it looks fine and continuity test showed no faults. The chips do look quite black on the legs from corrosion.

Sorry, I can't help you with your control board problems as I've no idea whats wrong with them. I've got the same problem my self with two M1A's.
However, you mentioned you'd got the M1A technical manual, does it contain a full M1A circuit diagram/schematic and if so, would you consider selling me a photocopy?

All the best.