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Member Since 08 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2008 04:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Will it be possible?

11 October 2007 - 01:26 PM

With the newer fruit machines, like party time 4 player, Monopoly multi player with the TV game (sorry im not up with the correct names lol) Elvis Multi player etc that we will be able to play them in the same way we do the older machines? :bigeyes14:

Fitting to screen?

11 October 2007 - 11:40 AM

With about 90% of the machines i have got they don't fit to my screen size and there fore cannot see the bottom of the machine. Now usually this doesn't bother me as it's just the buttons and i know which keys to press anyway. But when it involves a feature bar from 1-8 etc and i can't see where i am up to lol.

Any idea's on how you change the machines size? :bigeyes18:

Not loading up?

04 October 2007 - 12:49 PM

Hey there, im having trouble with loading certain machines when i have downloaded them. The machine will come up but nothing will boot up i have MFME32 :bigeyes19: and some machines just wont play ball, can anyone help.

Bearing in mind i am totally new to all this lol