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Member Since 09 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active May 08 2008 02:55 AM

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In Topic: Trying to figure name of Fruit Machine

11 August 2007 - 10:42 PM

I can't get it to play. What program do I use to be able to play it? I tried using MFME 2 and 3 and it opens but I can't play it. I press the buttons or use 0 to insert the coins and when I press the spacebar nothing happens. Thanks for your help.


In Topic: Trying to figure name of Fruit Machine

11 August 2007 - 02:37 AM

I did find 3 when I searched for "Super Blackjack" but I can't get them to work. It also did not look like the one from the image that Pook posted. I will keep searching. Hopefully I will find it somewhere! :)

In Topic: Trying to figure name of Fruit Machine

10 August 2007 - 11:47 PM

Pook THAT'S IT! Holy Cow! I can't believe it has been found. Thank you's go out to all of you for helping out so much. Now I have to find the ROM for it...LOL. I am most appreciative for all of your help.


In Topic: Trying to figure name of Fruit Machine

10 August 2007 - 06:34 PM

Hi edwardb, you are correct about the mirrorcard function. I am not sure what a club machine is. But the jackpot was 200 pounds. It was on a military base. I will see if I can find anything on "Super Suits". Thanks for all your help.


In Topic: Trying to figure name of Fruit Machine

10 August 2007 - 12:40 AM

Thanks Daza, I opened it up and ran it, but it wasn't the one. It looks similar to that, but the one I am looking for doesn't have those four queens at the bottom. Thanks for replying so quickly. Do you know if there is a database of fruit machines that were manufactured for each year? I am sure if I see the name of it I will remember it.
