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Member Since 12 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 23 2009 06:30 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: refill keys!!

10 June 2008 - 09:20 PM

well ive been playing fruit machines most of my life and know mostly everything about them.
i was just wondering if people found them useful which i do.

In Topic: refill keys!!

10 June 2008 - 03:45 PM

nah they dont set any alarms off only machines marked with MIDAS.

these keys can tell you alot of information and gives the player the advantage.

ill post a site up explaining in more detail if you want?

In Topic: What do you think of this?

09 June 2008 - 10:15 PM

Well it was a local labour club .It was 250Jp with 10/20P stake and also has a 100JP.

I was wondering that why did it take so long to give JP?


In Topic: Hi im new and need some help

30 October 2007 - 01:41 PM

well you get different programmes that will run different ROM's etc.For example i use MFME ,only certain ROM'S will work on here.So if you downloaded MFME you would have to look for the name on the ROM called MFME Etc.
So it all depends if you have downloaded MFME?

In Topic: Cash Pot And Reserve

30 October 2007 - 12:52 PM

Yeah i get you thanks very much.

i was also wondering that if anybody knows if there is like a sequence to the video roulette machines in Coral shops.
