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Member Since 24 Aug 2007
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In Topic: Old Machines?

27 August 2007 - 08:10 PM

Thanks guys, sorry for the late reply but never got an email (must check/change my CP settings) Got all the emulators installed so ok there. Dam there are so many! but not found snakes and adders yet though and not sure what is meant by the DX ones? So far I have only tried 2 Jpm ones and all i did was to uncompress the file and run it, but I just downloaded a mpu3 file http://www.fruit-emu...s&showfile=1628 and did the same but this complains that the layout is invalid. As you just advised! Thing is there was no layout in the file to download, so where would I find the layout for this? Or what is the layout file extension? maybe I have it in the zip file?
Many thanks once again.

Hey Adydb, that was it hyper viper!! or very sim, great call many thanks

p.s. Got it working just needed to use v9.4 all ok. Not sure what is meant by DX though or where the layout files would be if I did need them!