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Member Since 01 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2022 05:45 AM

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In Topic: Aristocrat MKV (aka Mark 5) added to MAME

30 December 2017 - 02:52 AM

Time to get a bit of life back into this thread!


Significant progress has been made with MAME Mk5 emulation in recent times.


However I'm stuck in trying to create working NVRAM for US sets that require setchips. I can switch setchips in an out and can see which setchips are working with any given game. I've been choosing jurisdictions that allow hopper only, turning off com protocols and can setup coin/credit values correctly but no matter what I do I have errors back in game that prevent coinup.


The Mk5 driver text has many helpful tips but is relatively silent on these particular US sets :(


Any tips would be appreciated!