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Member Since 02 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2007 08:59 AM

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In Topic: Poorly machine

09 September 2007 - 08:59 AM

Thanks for all the replies gents, I don't believe it's the power supply as all it's lights are on and there appears to be power getting to main boards.

now looking at the cost of a replacement mpu.....might not be worth fixing.

In Topic: Engineer

02 September 2007 - 04:43 PM

thanks for the swift response, PSU is certainly working fine (all lights on at the front of it) and lights on the internal boards all fine (unless they are just on a feedthrough, rather than being powered by the PSU).

Have checked seating of all cards and they seem fine.

In Topic: Engineer

02 September 2007 - 01:48 PM

I have a problem with a Global fruit machine, i've had it for 2 years or so, with no issues at all, however i was having a look through the settings today and it went in to an alarm like mode.

There is no display, but the speaker on the back is clicking loudly, nothing else on the machine works at all.

When i open it up, i can see the "reset alarm" LED flashing (in time with the clicking), but nothing i do seems to have any effect. Turning off for extended period, but it's still going when i turn on again. I've tried leaving it on for 10+ minutes, also no effect.

The machine is "Who wants to be a Millionhare".

Would appreciate any advise anyone can offer.
