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Member Since 05 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 18 2010 06:02 PM

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In Topic: Barcrest Spice is Right manual

06 September 2007 - 04:41 PM

cheers m8 but i eventually found it and it now works

switches 1-4 - jackpot
1 2 3 4
off off off on £5
on off on off £8
on off off on £15
off on off on £25

switches 5-6 - price of play
5 6 7 8
off off off off 5p
on off off off 10p
off on off off 20p
on on off off 25p
off off on off 30p

In Topic: Barcrest Spice is Right manual

06 September 2007 - 03:46 PM

No worries found it.
Posting it here for anyone that has a similar problem.

Cheers for the help

switches 1-4 - jackpot

1 2 3 4
off off off on £5
on off on off £8
on off off on £15
off on off on £25

switches 5-6 - price of play

5 6 7 8
off off off off 5p
on off off off 10p
off on off off 20p
on on off off 25p
off off on off 30p

In Topic: Barcrest Spice is Right manual

06 September 2007 - 10:10 AM

Hi again,
The manual i was given and all other help has been brilliant so far.......but
the machine has a chip in it for stakes/JP with 10 on / off switches on it. Everytime i try to change the combination of 4/5 on rest off it alarms with error - invalid key. Does anyone know the settings for this chip as the manual talks of coloured leads.

In Topic: Barcrest Spice is Right manual

05 September 2007 - 10:57 PM

Great forum, loads of help.
Looking at the instructions given at the moment and will advise on how helpful as soon as i can. (too many pc's to fix).

'slide out so you can replace them with the different ones to show the values that you have set up on the stake/jp key'

'stake/jp key'

thats the 'what' at the moment but hopefully previous posts and links will help me there

p.s. graphics are as described with tabs - didnt realise they just slid out -sigh

regards so far

In Topic: Barcrest Spice is Right manual

05 September 2007 - 06:12 PM

If thats required, i will get back to you on that (when i bought the machine it came with alternative graphics - whether or not they had been installed before, i dont know)- i would still need a manual to understand where to put it and set it up etc.
Do you have or know where i can get a manual/instruction