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Member Since 14 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2010 10:58 PM

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In Topic: Skake Rattle and Roll

24 January 2008 - 10:52 PM

The sample is saved as a wav. file The sound sample is saved were the game folder is.

must be a vista problem. nothings saved in either folder

In Topic: Skake Rattle and Roll

24 January 2008 - 10:17 PM

Again - Use the SEARCH function in the DOWNLOADS section...

Then download the game - load it into the EMU, click the SAMPLES tab, then find the sample you want (click the PLAY button to hear it) then click SAVE, will then save it as a file you can then upload to ya phone.

ok got the game and opened samples, found 1 i wanted. hit save no dialog box. looked in game folder but nothing in there. what format is the saved sound and where does it save it?

In Topic: Skake Rattle and Roll

24 January 2008 - 10:13 PM

yeah it's mazooma and there has been a classic made of it, but it ain't on here afaik. dad's or fruitforums it will be on one of those.try SEARCHING and see what comes up.

Didnt know those forums (newbie still), but found it thank you for your help

In Topic: Skake Rattle and Roll

24 January 2008 - 08:30 PM

Sorry there was a typo. The name of the machine was "Shake Rattle and Roll" its a multiplayer game, which you have to get 3 discs in view to go up for the feature. They have it at a local amusement, and I've seen one for sale on ebay, but cannot find an emulation.

I did already look in the downloads section, but all I could find was snake, rattle and roll.

Any ideas on the Gold Rush sounds?