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Member Since 19 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2015 10:44 AM

Topics I've Started

For Sale Astra Reel King

18 August 2014 - 03:32 PM

Selling my reel king £500 jackpot machine. working with manual and keys, may consider swaps




Breaking Epoch, Impact3, Scorp4

05 August 2014 - 09:18 AM

An op friend of mine is breaking 10 machines inc a few jpm gamebox, parts available just ask and I will get a price from him and happy to post out, most of them will have been robbed of bits here and there, but if you need anything let me know,


Cheers Ronnie

Barcrest Austin Powers Decals Wanted

15 August 2012 - 10:27 AM

As above looking for a set so I can change from £25 jackpot

cheers Ronnie

Astra Reel King Hd Image

29 December 2011 - 08:40 AM

just wondered if anyone has reel king £500 hd image or know where to get it from?

cheers Ronnie

Electrocoin Mab-x Deluxe Fault Help

29 November 2011 - 03:28 PM

Hi guys help needed please, these are alien to me, its non booting, leds lit on mpu apart from 5v checked the switcher inside the psu its putting out 5v ok, fuses ok, sometimes it makes some sounds like alarm possibly, has no alpha to read, board is clean with new battery, all connections seem ok.

thanks for any advice

cheers Ronnie