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Member Since 22 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2008 08:28 PM

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In Topic: Nails arcade

22 January 2008 - 10:17 PM

where is the golden game? hehe. will you barr 'players' who come in to 'do' machines? hehe like drilling the elvis or strimming? or maybe doing to noteys with the 3 green arrows over? hehe. no that arcade you have there looks wicked mate. there seems to lots and lots of fraud with machines at the moment :( i have been doing some part time work at an arcade and the amount of people trying it on is very alarming.

In Topic: Programming your own eproms.

27 December 2007 - 11:40 PM

Surely it makes more sense for them to send you them? lol, i recon baz will know how to do it bud or even dave :)

On the subject of bellfruit, I have noticed that all golden game grands and monopoly casinos have had their 50p stake removed around here, am I thiking that a stake switch blag was going used? wouldnt put it past them, lol.

In Topic: Project: Chip ans spin £500

13 November 2007 - 01:25 AM

According to coinslot, these new machines are the dogs bollocks.

has anybody seen one yet?

there is an exploit within the roulette feature on the machine. still no critical has been issued, i give it a few more days.