Good news! I got the Vega recycler to work on the Bellfruit Cops N Robbers. The problem was the early Bellfruit recycling software can only handle £10 note recycling. I had assumed wrongly it could do £20's. The solution was to set the Vega recycler DIPS to no.2 on all others off (the sequence for £10 recycling). Turn off the power, turn it back on again, then go to Test 10B and enable the recycler (no alarms or error message this time!)
The machine will now pay out £10 notes but only on credit balances over £20 total. I.e. if you won £27 it would pay out £10 in a note and £17 in pound coins.
NB We have just taken delivery of a brand new B4 £400 Bellfruit machine. On this one you can use Test to select any denomination of note to pay out (£5, £10 or £20).