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Member Since 29 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2016 05:35 PM

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In Topic: Replacing NV10 with JCM vega

24 April 2015 - 06:18 PM

Good news!  I got the Vega recycler to work on the Bellfruit Cops N Robbers.  The problem was the early Bellfruit recycling software can only handle £10 note recycling.  I had assumed wrongly it could do £20's.  The solution was to set the Vega recycler DIPS to no.2 on all others off (the sequence for £10 recycling).  Turn off the power, turn it back on again, then go to Test 10B and enable the recycler (no alarms or error message this time!)


The machine will now pay out £10 notes but only on credit balances over £20 total.  I.e. if you won £27 it would pay out £10 in a note and £17 in pound coins.


NB We have just taken delivery of a brand new B4 £400 Bellfruit machine.  On this one you can use Test to select any denomination of note to pay out (£5, £10 or £20).



In Topic: Replacing NV10 with JCM vega

17 April 2015 - 06:57 PM

NB - for clarify the "RC Denom Error 19" only comes on if I go to Test 10B and switch the machine to Recycler "on".  It's then obviously trying to communicate with the recycler but throwing out the Denom Error and putting the alarm on.


I was wondering if I rode out the alarm and error for several minutes etc it might clear and the machine start to operate properly ie correctly communicate with the recycler.



In Topic: Replacing NV10 with JCM vega

17 April 2015 - 05:35 PM

I've taken another look at it.  It is currently taking notes and putting £20's into the recycler - but not paying notes out.  This is probably because I've got Test 10b switched to note recycler "off" so the machine is not talking to the recycler (only the acceptor).  I soon as I go to Test 10b the alarm goes off and "RC Denom Error 19" comes up (again).


Does anyone have any further ideas?  If I left the alarm running for a set period of time is there any chance it could time out and the machine operate properly?





In Topic: Replacing NV10 with JCM vega

16 April 2015 - 09:42 AM

Thanks -  if doesn't work with £20's I'll try dip 2 to see if £10's work. 

In Topic: Replacing NV10 with JCM vega

15 April 2015 - 10:48 PM

NB - Nick - when you refer to DES DIP switch 8 - do you mean on the Vega or the MPU?



