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Member Since 12 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2022 07:26 PM

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01 July 2009 - 04:58 PM

do you have any pics of the actual machine you are trying to fix?
also i do have a spare impact board but it doesnt have all the same components (variation of some kind, with few less resistors than your one for some reason....PM me for more info)
maybe someone else may have an exact spare?

In Topic: Need a favour of you all

01 July 2009 - 04:23 PM

maybe we just dont want you to have a free x-box.
You shouldnt have time to play one neither, you should be job hunting, and if you do get a job then BUYING and x-box would be a reward would it not?????

And this is a fruit machine forum anyways.....


01 July 2009 - 04:06 PM

are you sure you cannot use wire links?
I know some people actually use a seperate piece of vero-board to mount the battery and wire it to the cpu board, that way if the battery leaks in future it ony damages its own mini board. Ive only heard of this being done, and not seen it so i am not sure where you would mount the 'new' battery board...
get a meter to the connections and try and buzz them out to make sure there are no breaks/shorts etc..

in the mean time i will look and see if i have a spare (i know most of mine had leakage problems also and probably need repair also!)

In Topic: rollercoaster 1280dx not work 4 me

31 December 2007 - 06:58 PM

I just had to go into 'Design' mode, and actually go into properties of the coin button, and turn it into a 'coin' button and set it to '1'
now it plays at 20p play with the coin button being £1

how come nobody else had to do this?!?!?!?

are u lot sure?

In Topic: rollercoaster 1280dx not work 4 me

31 December 2007 - 06:44 PM

this is the DX version by Ploggy..the classic version works ok...but not the 1280 dx version...

Someone HELP!! i wanna play it :-P