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Member Since 13 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2025 10:23 AM

Topics I've Started

Are you in good health and want to help others?

06 December 2017 - 01:52 PM

Then firstly be very grateful!

Secondly its come to my attention (via the Jackpotty Forums Facebook group of all places) that some people are relying on receiving donations of stem cells to help them to fight blood cancers.

In 90% of cases donating stem cells is not a particularly difficult or painful process these days. Its usually only a bit more complicated than giving blood. You could literally be donating something that will be essential to save someones life, and you dont have to give away one of your kidneys to do so!

Sadly I know that a lot of us wont be eligible to do this - the conditions are very specific, especially the age limit. But if one person out of everyone who sees this is eligible, signs up and donates and helps someone to beat this terrible disease then it will have been a very good thing.

Heres the link:

Health problems

01 December 2017 - 04:07 PM

I need to make everyone aware that Im experiencing an unexpected and potentially serious issue with my health, which will almost certainly have an impact on the running of the site.

Im due to have surgery on Monday and Ive already been in and out of medical appointments for the last week.

Ill be doing my best to keep on top of payment related administration but anything else will have to wait.

Please contact a moderator if you have any other issues, until further notice.

Apologies in advance, I hope its sufficiently obvious that this situation is completely beyond my control.

Baking fruit machine boards in the oven...

21 November 2017 - 09:56 PM

One of the most questionable and baffling fruit machine repair ideas I've ever heard of.

Perhaps I'm out of touch...

Attached File  IMG_0529.PNG   643.51KB   2 downloads

Spurious and fraudulent paypal disputes and claims

23 September 2017 - 02:47 PM

The site unfortunately gets a regular supply of paypal disputes and claims started against it.


Sometimes this is because a donation takes longer than normal to approve. Whilst I can understand that this might be frustrating, in 99% or more of these cases the donator fails to try to contact me about it before they raise the issue with Paypal.


We fight all spurious and fraudulent disputes and claims strenuously and thoroughly, and we do not lose. However this takes up far too much of the little time that I personally have in which I could be working on this site.


If you start such a claim then you can expect us to take appropriate punitive actions necessary to protect the site and the company which exists to keep it funded. If appropriate and where legally possible to do so we will make evidence available to Paypal, banks and credit card providers, the police and Action Fraud.


If you have a problem then contact me first - via a PM or through the Support Console:


Site downtime today

01 February 2017 - 09:39 PM

Apologies for the downtime today, this was due to an essential component being incompatible with a new version of PHP.

Thank you to PeteW for sorting it out.