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Member Since 15 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2015 03:11 PM

Topics I've Started

wanted paragon machine or video slot machine

13 September 2015 - 05:27 PM


has anybody got a paragon machine for sale I don't mind if it has no credits as I want it to be a jukebox and a quiz machine.

I am also interested in a video slot machine for my games room im willing to travel I live in essex


Epoch mpu needed

18 November 2013 - 03:45 PM

Hi everyone just a stab in the dark I'm in need of an epoch mpu and am wondering if anyone has one for sale that is in working condition. I've just bought a new machine and the ram keeps resetting so am thinking it is a bad battery on the board it doesn't of yet look like it's leaked on the board.
I've just bought a new battery and a soldering iron but am not too confident I'm going to be able to do it myself. So thinking I'd buy a working one so I don't have to do it.

Just bought an old machine

28 October 2013 - 11:36 AM

I've just won a fruit machine from flea bay for £11 but it's not working!
Don't know anything about this machine.
It's called movie magic can anyone tell me who made it? Also what system does this run on?
I haven't collected yet but the seller says some lights come on but the reels don't spin and the buttons don't work!!!
So defiantly a non worker lol would like this to me my little project to get it working but not sure if the parts would still be available.

Wanting a club fruit machine

22 October 2013 - 07:39 AM

I'm looking for a club fruit machine as my ones started to go wrong has anyone got one for sale I could possibly part exchange one of mine for it and pay cash I've got can you dig it and over the moon
I'm looking at one at the moment on flea bay jpm firecracker the seller is intrested in a part exchange can you dig it but not too sure how much money to give him as we'll I will have to drive to Birmingham which will cost around £30 petrol so not sure if it's worth it or not as don't know how much jpm firecracker is worth

Help wanted with epoch keeps resetting ram

21 October 2013 - 05:53 PM

Can anyone help me with my machine nearly every time I switch it on it resets ilog and ram, alarm then goes off and finally operates ok. I've checked the board for a leaky battery but it looks fine. It also doesn't do it all the time it was fine until I moved it from one place to another