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Member Since 21 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2020 03:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Cops & Robbers And Circus For Fruit Machines Sale

02 October 2008 - 11:13 PM


i have two fruit machines in my store room in watford, hertfordshire, near london which i want to sell.

both machines are being sold on a spares or repairs basis as they have both not been used for a few years and they cannot be tested in the storage area so i can't determine whether their are working or not but i'm sure they could be restored by someone who knows what they are doing.

i originally had 3 machines but i have managed to sell one at the mecca and the chap who bought it got it working first time.

cops and robbers is £4 repeat jackpot blue version. reel 3 has fallen away from its correct position but is definately in the machine somewhere. i have the power lead for this one but the keys have been lost.

circus is i think a bell fruit machine from the late 60s or early 70s electro mechanic. no keys but the back is accessibly by untaping the tape thats holding the back door on.

the machines are in a temporature controlled storage room.

if anyone is interested, please pm or add to this thread.



ITV Bingo Night Live

05 June 2008 - 12:05 AM

Did anyone play this? i registered but computer could not generate cards due to a tech problem.

Monopoly Help

20 April 2007 - 09:28 PM


over the last few weeks i've been checking my FME folder against the various layouts on here and the mecca site.

i have come completely stuck with monopolys! not only are there so many layouts, several of them you have to match the correct roms with the correct layouts etc. i found two versions by m1adness at the following page

M1Adness Design :: New M1Adness Releases - Classic Monopoly £6 token and £3 all cash versions

when i try and log in, i het a cookie error. i've checked on this site and don't think these are on here as on m1a one is a £6 token and one is a £3 all cash and as there is more than one £6 monopoly machine how can i tell if these are the ones in the download area here.

one club monopoly layout advises you to use the 'original' club version roms as the others are not soitable but which are the original roms? i have also found a Monopoly £8 layout but can't see the matching £8 roms?

is it still M1adness policy that the roms and layout are kept separate? this does not seem to be the case on any other download site. usually i don't find it a problem but with this game with so many different machines and versions of the same machine it seems to be rather complicated.


Latest Downloads On Home Page

02 March 2006 - 10:07 PM


i've just looked at the area on the homepage where the latest downloads are and there appears to be something wrong. each link seems to take you to one above or below, e.g. click on the 'razzle dazzle' link and you will be taken to the 'play it again dx' download screen. each link seems to be one out and the 'jigging in the riggin' link takes you to an error message page.

is it possible to fix this? or is there something weird going on with my computer?

