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Member Since 21 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2009 03:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Dad died over the New Year.

07 January 2009 - 12:10 AM

i was just looking through the threads on fruit emu and noticed that your dad has passed away.

what a time for someone to go. not good. you have my deepest sympathy and im sorry for your loss.

please pass on my sympathy to your family and i hope as the weeks pass away things will start to look up for you and your family again.

im sure that the whole of the fruit emu family will be there for you at this time.

peace and respect to you and your family.


Barmypluto (Tim)

In Topic: Happy Birthday Duplu!

04 June 2005 - 04:08 PM

Hi Duplu

Just to wish you a happy birthday. don't get to drunk now or Mrs Pluto will tell you off for being a naughty boy. She likes spanking ? lol

Have a good one.


In Topic: chat room

04 June 2005 - 03:53 PM

hi peeps

There is a chat room on the go in fruit-emu. get your big fat ugly ass's over there and start chatting. cos i'm bored. lol

tim (barmypluto)

was only joking if anyone found that offensive.

In Topic: *** Eachway Shuffle WDX ***

21 May 2005 - 04:59 PM

Nice machine dad. I remember these machines well. was one of the first machines i ever played.

In Topic: !!!Just a bit of off line topic fun!!!

02 March 2005 - 10:25 AM

Hi Guys

:lol: PMSL, :lol: like your reply Collerton. I agree it does look as though he's listening to it. LOL at burning requests for partytime.

When is Partytime going to be emulated Madman NOT. :-(