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Member Since 07 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2007 08:37 AM

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In Topic: Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

09 November 2007 - 06:05 PM

can you replace the board - if so any sources ?
i assume tracing the wiring for the lamps is way too complicated


In Topic: Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

09 November 2007 - 05:40 PM

so if the machine is powered on and the green button held it emitts a low deep beep (!!) but no buttons are active on the front !

In Topic: Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

09 November 2007 - 05:33 PM

plus machine not going into test mode

In Topic: Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

09 November 2007 - 05:26 PM

any idea how to fix a strobe error ?

In Topic: Help.... Golden Casino Strobe/ Payout Error

09 November 2007 - 05:09 PM

ok cleared the memory with the wire on the battery.
came on with memory error then set the reserve and cashpot and goes into play sequance - then back to strobe bloody error.

Still can't get into test mode - is there any indication your in test mode..

so reset and strobe error reoccurs !