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Member Since 28 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2013 11:21 PM

Topics I've Started


01 November 2013 - 09:57 PM

I have a royale family 3 bells fruit machine and can't get it off free mode also it plays for a while then says coin mecc err 10. I need help. Does anyone know someone who would come and look at it for me. I just want it working. Ii have tried different combination of wires for door switch and just can't seen to get it right. HELP

Bell fruits royale family

30 October 2013 - 09:52 PM

Hi all.
I have bought a royale family bell fruit machine it turns on and then has £3 credit and £7 prize in it but wen u use the credit u press payout and nothing happens it just goes down and no money comes out. Then it turns to free play with £1.50 credit and also wen u play on it it comes up with err 10 randomly can be after 2 minutes of playing or half hour. I just want it to work normally and payout. Does anyone have a clue. I am in Milton Keynes if anyone is a genius on them ha ha.







*** Edit by Daryl ***

I have moved this thread into the Real Fruit Machines section for better responses for help by our members