You have to remember that as a rule, people just dont think first! They see something easy to make a quick jibe at when they have had a few drinks and trying to show off to their friends. You might find also if you have a group of people critisizing you, follow the links to see who else they have taken the mickey out of. I have no doubt you will see the same people and usernames, then all you have to do is leave some "Subtle" comments on that persons homepage! Think first though, You are better than they are, do the research first!Im getting really pissed off with all the negative comments I seem to be getting on my youtube channel. TBH thinking about deleting them all.
Had to delete a few comments but the most recent one goes something like I know f-all about gambling ect ect ones telling me im shit...
I never claimed to be a pro player
If only people read the side comments more often....
Good Luck.
Black Women all over the world are shaving their Pubic Hair in support of OBAMA's Election result
Their message to the world is:"READ MY LIPS - NO MORE BUSH"