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Member Since 20 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 05 2007 07:08 AM

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In Topic: having trouble getting started

20 November 2007 - 05:18 PM

Well, the torrent site I downloaded from is not public. It requires signup and you have to upload before you can download. And if you download more than you upload, you get banned. The downloads there can be trusted because if they were bad, the community would take them down.

I had read the running-your-first-fruit-machine post, but it just says to put the roma dn layout in the same directory and run. I did that, but Quack Shot did not run.

I'll go ahead and take your advice to download the things from this site. Thanks! Do I also need MFME 11, 11.8, 9.9, etc?

Edit: Quack Shot worked with 10.1a! Sweet! I do wish I could just a single version for the games. Remember my mom has to be able to figure this out. ;) Is there a way to launch games from the command line?