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Member Since 20 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 05 2007 07:08 AM

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having trouble getting started

20 November 2007 - 09:48 AM

Hello! I came across a 9.36gb download of fruit machine roms, googled what they were, and I think my mom is going to love being able to play real machines on her PC! I downloaded the roms, layouts, snaps, etc. I installed the emulators with the wizard. Now what? My download looks like this...

MPU5 Hexfiles
SWP Machine Roms

What are all these? Reading I found that only BFeMu can play zipped layouts as long as the rom is inside the zip. I decided to test MFME to play Quack Shot, one I know my mom loves. I unzip the layout and try to run, cannot find the rom. I unzip the Quack Shot rom into the same directory and try to run, cannot find the rom. I unzip the hex file into the same directory and try to run, and it displays the layout no problem, but pressing 0 does nothing. Mousing over buttons and the coin slot gives me a hand, but clicking does nothing. Does Quack Shot just not work or am I doing something wrong?

Is there a reason my download has files in all different places? It seems like a major pain to have to unzip a bunch of files into the same directory to play.

Thanks in advance for you help! I'm looking forward to hearing quack... quack... QUACK!!! ;)