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Member Since 02 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2024 11:16 AM

Topics I've Started

Barcrest S16 E-RIO bits wanted, top wavebox, program cards... etc

17 November 2014 - 02:37 PM



Does anyone have any bits laying about they want to get rid of for the Barcrest S16 enhanced rio range of machines?


looking for program cards, random number generators ( whole assembly or just the number generator pcb)


Certain versions of mpu5 program cards for them (pic chip not needed, so just the mpu5 program card)


top wavebox with the progressive LED displays in them (doesn't matter for which game)


Do let me know what you have for sale and what you want for it! am trying to build up my test rig now for S16 for playtime!!


tell me what you have!!!!


may thanks


twin screen enhanced rio touch screen calibration

04 November 2014 - 07:25 PM



Has anyone come across this before, screen calibration takes place, all goes well, but touch screen then just doesn't work after?


cannot be touch screen as in calibration it is clearly responding to touches!




many thanks


Enhanced rio B3 / catC/D program card dip switches

15 October 2014 - 06:09 PM



Can anyone tell me please if the dip switches actually do anything on the program card? any one with a manual for there cab does it say anything about the program card dip switches?


Personally I don't think there used on the B3, but would like to know what everyone else thinks.


I believe they are used on the  section 16/21 machines, but as there are none about now that will most likely go unanswered for now


cheers and thanks
